1. International Journal of Community Services contains manuscripts of Health Sciences in the field of community service, empowerment, and development or the results of practical implementation activities of meaningful community service.
  2. Submitted articles must be in the form of a report. That should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication anywhere else and free of plagiarism. Each submitted article will be checked by an application for detecting plagiarism.
  3. Components of Articles:
  • The title is written in English with a maximum of 20 words.
  • The author’s identity is written under the title, including name, affiliation, and email.
  • The abstract is written in English with a maximum of 250 words. The abstract should be one paragraph covering the introduction, aim, method, results, and conclusion with a maximum of 5 (five) keywords separated by a comma. Sort the keywords alphabetically.
  • The introduction contains background, a brief and relevant literature review, and the aim of the study. If nomenclature is used, italics are adopted to designate genus, species, botanical varieties, and words in Latin (e.g., et al.) or other languages. For genes, loci, and alleles nomenclature, use italics. If units of measurement are used, they should be those recommended by the International System of Units. Please check this website (https://www.bipm.org) for the English text.
  • The method includes design, population, sample, data sources, techniques/ instruments of data collection, data analysis procedure, and ethics.
  • Results are research findings and should be clear and concise.
  • Discussions should properly and argumentatively define the study results with relevant theory and prior findings.
  • Tables should be single-spaced and numbered consecutively per the text's presentation. Figures, pictures, or formulas should be original. Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. The picture format should be jpg or png. Tables and/or figures should be no more than 5 (five).
  • Conclusion and Recommendation (if any) should answer problems of study not exceeding the capacity of finding. The recommendation should refer to the aims and conclusion in the form of narration, be logical and effective.
  1. Abbreviations consist of abbreviations mentioned in the article (from Abstract to Conclusion). If abbreviations are used in the text, authors are required to write full name+abbreviation in brackets, e.g., coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) the first time they are used, then only abbreviations can be written (apart from titles; in this case, authors have to write always the full name).
  2. Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate inform license obtained from institution and research subject.
  3. Competing Interest stated whether the author(s) have a research interest.
  4. Availability of Data and Materials clarifies data sources or information used as study materials.
  5. Authors’ Contribution explains the contribution made by each author to the study.
  6. Acknowledgment mention a thank you note to all components supporting the study, including funding (grant).
  7. Additional Information confirms the authors' names if there is not enough space on the first page of the article and/or other additional information if necessary.
  8. References should be written in Vancouver style.
  • The maximum references are 40 sources.
  • Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
  • The reference number must be numbered consecutively in accordance with the whole text.
  • The recent journal references (at least in the past ten years) are preferred.

Please write the author’s name with the last name first and the first name as initials, with a maximum of 6 (six) authors' names. If there are more than 6 (six) authors, the following author should be written with “et al.”

The first letter of reference title should be capitalized, and the remaining should be written in lowercase letters, except the name of the person, place, and time. Latin terms should be written in italics, and the title should not be underlined and written in bold.

Please provide the URL of the referred article.

When referencing in the body of text, use superscript after a full stop (.), e.g.: ..... .10

If the sentence states the other author’s name as a reference, use the reference number by the end of the author’s name, then continue the sentence till full stop (.), e.g., Abood2, ……; or Latief et al.2

Example of References (please refer to this example in writing your articles’ references, remove [Internet] and provide the URL for each reference):

  1. Journal Article

Hoq MN. Effects of son preference on contraceptive use in Bangladesh. Kesmas: Nat Pub Heal J. 2019; 14 (1): 21-7. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.21109/kesmas.v14i1.2848

  1. Book

Grech ED. ABC of interventional cardiology. 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell; 2011. Available from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/imperial/detail.action?docID=8 22522

  1. Online article/website

Pullen LC. Antibiotic resistance continues to be a problem in children. Medscape; 2017. Available from: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/860801

  1. Thesis and Dissertation

Slawsky E. An evaluation of greenspace exposure as a protective factor in dementia risk among U.S adults 75 years or older [Thesis]. Seattle: University of Washington; 2019.

  1. Manuscript should be typed using word processors (Microsoft Word or Open Office) software. The font type for the paper is Times New Roman, with a font size of 12. The paper size is A4 (e.g., 210 x 297 mm). It should be in one-column format with all margins of 3 cm, 1,5 spaced, and a maximum of 6,000 words (including the references). The manuscript must be submitted via website: ijmhs.id
  2. Please include the Statement letter, Ethics Approval Form, and Proof of Language Editing of the Article in a separate document containing the summary of scientific findings and uploaded on Supplementary Files in PDF format.
  3. The Manuscript Template can be accessed on the right-side menu entitled “Manuscript Template.”


Revision of Manuscript

Revision of manuscript by author consists of two steps: editor’s screening revision and reviewer’s screening revision. First-time submitted articles would be screened early by Editorial Team to comply with International Journal of Community Services writing guidance. The Editorial Team will further inform the results of the early screening to authors by email. For authors, please re-send the screening revision file by uploading it to the supplementary file at your submission service. Moreover, authors may conduct any revision of post-review by reviewers after the Editorial Team inform the results of the review through your online service, so keep tracking your online submission service to see the progress of the article process. Please notify the Editorial Team by email editorialinjcs@gmail.com if the revision file is already uploaded, and please re-send both screening and post-review revisions to the Editorial Team by no later than 14 (fourteen) days. If such revisions are not re-sent to the Editorial Team for more than 3 (three) months, authors must send new submissions