How do Women Prepare for Pregnancy? Counceling and Giving Folic Acid in Woman of Reproductive Age
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Background: A healthy pregnancy requires physical and mental preparation from every
mother. Healthy pregnancy planning should be done before pregnancy. A well-planned
pregnancy process will have a positive impact on the condition of the fetus and the
physical and psychological adaptation of the mother for the better. Folic acid is an
essential nutrient required for DNA replication directed at cell proliferation. Folic acid is
activated by the MTHFR gene through an enzymatic reaction. Folic acid can be found in
foods as well as in supplements. The demand for folate increases during pregnancy
because it is necessary for the growth and development of the fetus.. Pregnant women
need extra folic acid about 0.4 mg per day in normal cases and high-risk (previously
affected) pregnancies this dose is recommended for 1-3 months before conception.
Objective: The purpose of this service is to anticipate high-risk pregnancies by preparing
women of reproductive age by providing counseling on healthy pregnancy preparation
and giving folic acid tablets.
Method: The activity was held on April 18, 2013 at BPM I, Pondok Jaya Sub District,
Cipayung District, Depok City.
Result: The implementation from the midwife went smoothly and received enthusiasm
from the activity participants.
Conclusion: It is hoped that women of healthy reproductive age can get more knowledge
related to preparing for a healthy pregnancy so that later they will be ready for their
pregnancy and babies born healthy.
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